Thursday 3 April 2014

Note To The Examiner

Dear Examiner,

For the past eight months I have been working on my coursework to produce in the end an Opening Sequence. This process has been documented in the blog bellow which I hope expresses the hard work that I have put into this blog.

To the right of my blog there is a 'Blog Archive' which has a list of links to the blogs, by month, that I have put up from the beginning of this process to the end. The first blogs are to do with my Preliminary Task then work their way up to my Opening Sequence.

Next to each of the titles of my blogs is either (Opening Sequence) or (Preliminary Task). I used these to point out which task I was doing so it is clear which I was working on and when I changed to blogging about my Opening Sequence from my Preliminary Task.

I hope you enjoy looking through my blog as much as I enjoyed doing it. 

Kinvara Boorman

Saturday 15 March 2014

Calendar For Preliminary Task and Opening Sequence

It was useful having a calendar as I could then see roughly how far ahead or behind I am and can plan my time more effectively. I also could give my self more then one day to do something so I had fall back time if I was behind on something else. This made me feel more organised and calm throughout the process of doing my coursework and adding to my blog.

Saturday 22 February 2014

Evaluation Questions- No. 7 (Opening Sequence)

Looking back on your preliminary task what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?

If Prezi doesn't work then go to the right of the Prezi screen and on the edge half way down is a zoom in and out option, this can be used to read each of the slides. You can also click and drag on the Prezi screen to move to each slide as well.

Thursday 20 February 2014

Evaluation Questions- No. 6 (Opening Sequence)

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Wednesday 19 February 2014

Evaluation Questions- No. 4 and 5 (Opening Sequence)

Who would be the audience for your media product? And How would you attract your audience?

Sunday 16 February 2014

Evaluation Questions- No. 3 (Opening Sequence)

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

The types of media institutions that would distribute my movie would be mainly British film companies. This is because I wanted to make a British film so using a British film company was vital in getting this aim. The main institution that will invest in my film is Film 4. Film4 is an independent film company that suits my film, as it is not a mainstream one and is British. They generally make a certain genre that fits mien of social realism. As my film is low budget I will need a lot of investors to make the film from outside as well. This could be very difficult as successful British films are a lot harder to make, as unlike America we don’t have the surplus funding. Investors are cautious in what movies they put their money into, as they don’t want to lose it or not make a profit from the investment. Especially since my cast has no big named actors as all were either new or only had a little experience so it would be even more unlikely for me to get any investment. This means that from the outset of making the film it would be increasingly difficult to even make the film as getting the money is very difficult. Another problem with it not being a blockbuster is that it doesn’t appeal to many people. The popularity of indie films is decreasing as they are being made less and the popularity of them is therefore dropping as well. So this would mean that I would also have a problem when the film is made to get people to watch it, so advertising is important as well.

  Although Film 4 will produce my film, therefore, then I will need outside investment to make sure that I have the right amount of funding for my film. An example of the outside investors I would use would be the National Lottery. They invest in indie films which would be perfect for me as I could get more investors and have the famous logo of their on my film. This would be advertising in itself as people know that logo very well.