Saturday 28 December 2013

Opening Sequence Script For GONE (Opening Sequence)

Opening Sequence: GONE

Ext. Market. Day
Characters: LUCY, KIDNAPER 1 and KIDNAPER 2
LUCY is at the KIDNAPERS stall. She looks quite board and uninterested at what the KIDNAPER is trying to sell her. The KIDNAPER isn't letting her get out of trying to haggle her and tricks her into coming with him behind the market where she gets kidnapped

The scene starts with a shot of both LUCY and KIDNAPPER 1 on scene while he talks to her about a top. LUCY looks stubborn. KIDNAPER 1 seems and looks like a typical haggler in the market

I have very nice shirt. Very nice shirt. I have very nice one.

That wont fit me

   Well ok. I have this one. It is better

LUCY doesn’t respond. KIDNAPER 1 puts the shirt down and stands back

Come, come with me I show you another one. Come. Come.

Cameras in front of them as KIDNAPER 1 lead LUCY down the back of the market around a van. Arm around her so she can’t turn away

Very nice shirt round here. Just look around here.

Camera changes position to front of van
KIDNAPER 2 is shown hiding behind the front of van. He reaches out and grabs her with KIDNAPER 1 and both smuggle her behind van and away


Ext. Market. Day
Characters: MOTHER and FATHER
MOTHER comes up to the FATHER in the market and they discover that their daughter has gone missing; they proceed to walk through the market together calling for her

The scene starts with just the FATHER looking at things at a stall. Then the MOTEHR walks o grabs the FATHER’S arm to get his attention then lets go when FATHER turns around.

Um. Darling? I can’t find Lucy. Have you seen Lucy? I can’t find her anywhere

What do you mean you haven’t seen her?

MOTHER puts hand on head to express her discomfort and growing panic

I looked everywhere. I can’t find her. I looked up and down

Gestures up and down the path between the stalls

I thought she might be with you

Raises hand and indicate the FATHER to emphasize that she thought LUCY was with him

Both parents push past the stall with panic and worry on their faces, MOTHER has hands on hips while FATHER is trying to stay calm and tries to get control of situation

Um,uh. I am worried


Stutters as tries to work out what is going on through his growing panic

Ok well where… Have?

Both call out and frantically keep asking each other where she is as try to yell for her

Lucy! Lucy! Lucy! Where is she?