Saturday 28 September 2013

Analysis Of My Preliminary Task (Preliminary Task)

 Doing my Preliminary Task I learnt that using i-movie was too basic and when uploading it onto Youtube the quality wasn't very good. To overcome this problem I downloaded Final Cut Pro which is more professional and when uploading onto Youtube will give a better quality. Another problem with i-movie was I couldn't advance technically and it didn't look as professional as others who used Final Cut Pro. I also learnt that I needed to have a more detailed story board so I knew exactly what shots to use for every frame instead of trying a variety on the day and waste time.

  Another thing I learnt from my Preliminary task were the skills that I picked up while filming and editing it. For example I learnt that when my character is walking I shouldn't let them walk off the frame as this makes the film disjointed I also learnt to get lots of different angles then when editing them together I have lots to choose from. This keeps the pace moving and can include more interesting shots. I also learnt, while filming, that I always had to make sure that my actor, when filming the same scene again and again, should always walk or be on the same side and use the same movements so when I come to editing it doesn't confuse the viewer. Like when I zoom in on the student opening the door she uses the same hand that she starts with before I zoom in. If she used a different hand then the editing would be seen and not as effective. In movies the editing shouldn't be noticed.

To improve my Preliminary Task I would choose better music that would go with my movie more. I found that the music I chose for this task didn't go and made the scene slightly less dramatic and jokey. For my real Opening Sequence I should spend longer looking for better music that compliment what is happening better. I think this would add to the effectiveness of my video and trigger the correct emotion in the viewer. I would also use Final Cut Pro. This would give me more options when editing and looks more professional when I finish my task. 

On my video I got a few comments. For example when Isabella Rio commented that she liked the camera angles. This was something that took a while to do as there were a verity I could choose from. The ones I used in the final cut was those that showed the characters reactions and facial expressions as well as showing the verity I used when tracking the student. However Barnes Film Academy, which would be more useful as a comment as they themselves make movies so would be extremely useful to take on board, they said that the music should of been better. I agree with this as when I was picking the music it was very rushed so I didn't spend the time I should have on picking the perfect piece tp suit my Preliminary Task. On my Opening Sequence I will spend more time going through my music choices so it really fits with the piece and adds to it instead of taking away from it.

Social networking is a very useful way to get feedback on my preliminary task as people comment truthfully and you can learn what went well, what they liked or didm/t like and what they would recommend what you could change. All the comments could be used to improve on my opening sequence and not make the same mistakes that the viewers didn't like or do some of the same things that they did like.

Thursday 26 September 2013

Characters For Preliminary Task (Preliminary Task)

I used Maisie Loggie as the student in my preliminary task as seeing as she was 16 she was the perfect age to be called into the headmasters office for "smoking" on school grounds. I also dressed her in casual clothes so that she looked like typical student and not the type to be caught for something so bad. However, I did dress her in relatively dark clothes like a black jumper which gave her an edge as dark clothing is usually associated with naughty or "Goth" like people. Other then light eye makeup she didn't have any on which also presented how young and innocent she was.

I used Charley Boorman as the headmaster as he was an adult and looked authoritative and could play the part of an angry and passive headmaster that was telling off the student for "smoking" in school. If I used another student as the headmaster then it would of been more difficult to get that authoritative image from them. I dressed him in a suit so that he looked smart like a headmaster should when working. While he sat in the office his jacket wasn't on him which showed that he had been in the office for a while and instead had the jacket hanging up which told the viewer that it was his office.

Wednesday 25 September 2013

Preliminary Script (Preliminary Task)

Preliminary Task: Headmasters Office

Int. School. Day
Scene Direction: Student walking towards office, then going in and getting in trouble for smoking in school.

(STUDENT knocks on headmasters door nervously and waits to be told to come in.)


(HEADMASTER stands up when the student walks into his office)

Good afternoon, sir.

Sit down.

(Both sit down on opposite sides of the desk. Student looking scared, headmaster giving nothing away by staring levelly at the student.)

Do you know why I have called you in here today?

No, sir.

(HEADMASTER looks angry, and glares at STUDENT.)

A teacher yesterday caught you smoking on school grounds. In the locker rooms round the back of the school. Do you have anything to say for yourself? You know the schools policy on this.

(STUDENT puts head into hands and takes a shaky breath before looking back at the HEADMASTER.)

No, Sir. I am so sorry I didn't, I don't. I... I'm sorry. It was a mistake, I didn't think anyone would see. What will happen to me? I am so sorry

I think you know the schools punishment on smoking on school grounds.


(STUDENT drops head and clasps hands. Trying hard not to cry.)

Scene cuts off.

Thursday 19 September 2013

Camera Shots For Preliminary Task (Preliminary Task)

Shots I am using:

Tracking shot- This shot will be used to follow the students journey as they go and meet the headmaster. So the viewer can see the nerves if the student as they make their way to the office. It will also build tension during their journey along with the music I will choose.

Long shot- This will be used towards the beginning of my preliminary task as the student starts their journey to the office. She will gradually get closer to the camera as they get closer to the office. This will therefore build tension as the students nerves will also become clearer the closer she gets to the camera, like their nervousness. 

Mid shot- This shot will also, like the long shot, will be used as the student heads towards the office. It will be about midway on the journey so that the viewer can start to see the students emotions. It will also be useful when I use the match of action shot, I can start the student or headmaster doing something with this shot then finishing the action with a closeup.

Head on shot- This will be another shot I will use as the student travels towards the office. They will come directly towards the camera so that the viewer can see a head on version of the student it will also vary up the shots I am using to film as the student heads towards the office, make the piece more interesting and show that I have and am able to use a variety of camera techniques.

Close up- I am using this shot when the headmaster and the student are talking in his office, this is so I can gage the reaction of the student as they are getting told off and so that they can see the anger on the headmasters face as he tells the student off. Another type of shot wont be able to show the details of the characters as they speak or listen. To add to this I will also use over the shoulder shots so that I can vary up the camera techniques I use but also close enough to the other characters face so that the viewer can see their emotions.

Lose frame- This is a possible shot I will use when I am filming the conversation, mainly when filming the student. This is to make them look isolated as there will be a lot of room around them as they speak which reinforces that the student is in a lot of trouble. This shot will also make her look extremely scared as she is in an empty frame alone.

Point of view shot- This shot will also be used when filming the conversation between the headmaster and the student. This could be used when one of the characters is speaking to the other and it seems like  the camera is in the position of the subject talking so that the viewer can gage the reaction of the student or the headmaster. This could be effective as it will show more shots that I have used to film the conversation. 

Monday 16 September 2013

Preliminary Task Storyboard (Preliminary Task)

It is important to use a story board so when it comes to filming it makes it easier for me to visualize what is going to happen on set, e.g. what lenses or cameras you are going to use, what shots and where the actors should be. This will minimills actors and other people working on the film's time as they know exactly what to do and where to be. Without the story board it would be hard to film exactaly what I want to be filmed and take a very long time as it would take longer to get the shots I want.

I used Storyboard That to do my storyboard as when I was planning my preliminary task I wasn't confident drawing it. The programme I used was very useful for my idea as I could find the perfect furniture and rooms that would make sense for a headmasters office and outside the office. However for my real opening sequence task this programme would be difficult to use as they may not have the backgrounds I want to use and you had to pay for more sections to use. I think it would be more useful to draw as I can put down exactly what I want in my storyboard to help when I am filming. And for using the programme I couldn't make any amendments to it.

Thursday 12 September 2013

Ideas For Preliminary Task (Preliminary Task)

This was the plan of my initial ideas:

My ideas for my preliminary task were mainly thought of along the basis if what I could be able to do and how easy it would be to film so I could get use to working with the camera, and what would allow me to use different camera techniques, like close ups, long shots etc. I also had to think about I could effectively film in the area that I was in. I eventually came up with the ideas above as those could be simple to put together, get actors for and edit well to make it look as best as possible. My favourite were a child being called to the headmasters office, a parent and child argument and a police chase. These were my favourite as it would be interesting to film as they give me the most verity of shots and editing techniques and a range of emotions for the characters. 

I settled on using the headmaster calling a student to their office as I could sue my school as they had plenty of office space and therefore use the right surroundings to make it believable.

Monday 9 September 2013

180-Degree Rule (Preliminary Task)

The rule is a basic rule on screen when filming two or more characters on screen, or objects. An imaginary line called the axis connects the characters by keeping the camera on one side of the camera in every shot so that the characters don't change places by moving the character over the axis. It the invisible line is crossed confusion results for the film viewer because it makes it look like the people are switching places as one watches the film. So that part of the film wont make sense and the editing will be noticed which shouldn't be noticed when watching the film. Like in the example the camera stays on one side of the characters so they stay in the same places.

Shot/Reverse Shot (Preliminary Task)

Shot reverse/shot is a staple of editing in a dialogue sequence. It uses the 180 degree rule, the eye line match and the rule of change among others. It is a film technique where one character is shown to be looking at another character, but the character is off camera shot, then the camera angle changes to show the other character looking "back" as they respond. As the characters are shown to sitting in different positions the viewer can automatically assume that they are talking to each other or looking at each other. Like in my example video Chandler is shown to be having a conversation with his boss with shots of his face talking and reactions and his bosses.