Thursday 19 September 2013

Camera Shots For Preliminary Task (Preliminary Task)

Shots I am using:

Tracking shot- This shot will be used to follow the students journey as they go and meet the headmaster. So the viewer can see the nerves if the student as they make their way to the office. It will also build tension during their journey along with the music I will choose.

Long shot- This will be used towards the beginning of my preliminary task as the student starts their journey to the office. She will gradually get closer to the camera as they get closer to the office. This will therefore build tension as the students nerves will also become clearer the closer she gets to the camera, like their nervousness. 

Mid shot- This shot will also, like the long shot, will be used as the student heads towards the office. It will be about midway on the journey so that the viewer can start to see the students emotions. It will also be useful when I use the match of action shot, I can start the student or headmaster doing something with this shot then finishing the action with a closeup.

Head on shot- This will be another shot I will use as the student travels towards the office. They will come directly towards the camera so that the viewer can see a head on version of the student it will also vary up the shots I am using to film as the student heads towards the office, make the piece more interesting and show that I have and am able to use a variety of camera techniques.

Close up- I am using this shot when the headmaster and the student are talking in his office, this is so I can gage the reaction of the student as they are getting told off and so that they can see the anger on the headmasters face as he tells the student off. Another type of shot wont be able to show the details of the characters as they speak or listen. To add to this I will also use over the shoulder shots so that I can vary up the camera techniques I use but also close enough to the other characters face so that the viewer can see their emotions.

Lose frame- This is a possible shot I will use when I am filming the conversation, mainly when filming the student. This is to make them look isolated as there will be a lot of room around them as they speak which reinforces that the student is in a lot of trouble. This shot will also make her look extremely scared as she is in an empty frame alone.

Point of view shot- This shot will also be used when filming the conversation between the headmaster and the student. This could be used when one of the characters is speaking to the other and it seems like  the camera is in the position of the subject talking so that the viewer can gage the reaction of the student or the headmaster. This could be effective as it will show more shots that I have used to film the conversation. 

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