Wednesday 27 November 2013

Character List (Opening Sequence)

Father (John):
The father is one of the main parts in the opening sequence as apart from the beginning is shown to spend the most time with Lucy. Like when she asks about the bag or when wondering around the market. The mother on the other hand is more interested in the stalls and shopping. Then him and his daughter are separated and he is shown to be with his wife, building tension as they have now lost sight of their daughter and her whereabouts. When the mother finds and asks where Lucy is he keeps more of a cool head but as they call for her in the market looks more panicked and worried.

Daughter (Lucy):
Is, along with the father, the main character in the opening sequence. The camera follows her around the market the most and always cuts back to her throughout. She looks like the typical teenager with her shorts and bright top which unlike the parents stand out. The way she handles herself in the market show she is quite mature and old, but when is so easily tricked into going behind the market show that she is still naive and young as she doesn't protest. So her representation changes as the sequence goes on making the viewers worry about her adding to the tension.

Mother (Margret):
The mother in the opening sequence is easily likeable and warm. She is important as she represents how any mother would react when their daughter has disappeared and how desperate she is to find her. Having her react in a panicked way adds to the tension of the opening sequence, drawing the viewers in as they feel the same things as her especially because they know what has happened to Lucy and know that the panic she feels now will be heightened when she finds out her daughter was taken.

Kidnapper 1 (Abdi):
A major part of the opening sequence as he is the one to take Lucy behind the market where she is taken. He looks more the part of the kidnapper with his dark hair and clothes making him look dangerous and immediately puts the viewer on edge when he is first shown. He talks very fast and is convincing in tricking Lucy to go with him behind the market as he sounds genuine. He has his sunglasses on the whole time, covering his eyes adding to his mysterious and dominant appearance again making the viewer wonder who he is.

Kidnapper 2 (Fahri):
More of a minor part and doesn't appear much in the opening sequence except at the end when he helps his companion kidnap Lucy. He as well looks very normal and doesn't stand out as someone who would be able to take a child as he is also dresses in plain shorts and a top. This makes him look less guilty or a suspect.

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