Wednesday 13 November 2013

Mind Map Sketch Of Initial Ideas (Opening Sequence)

As I was brainstorming ideas for my opening sequence I thought of ones that would be relatively easy to do but also challenging as I believe that the more challenging they will be the more impressive and effective they will be. I also tried to think of ideas that were original and would be set apart from other opening sequences but also make a genre that would be popular. For example for my gambling idea, even though there have been other gambling movies, it would be popular but also be effective as I could start the tension right from the beginning as the group of people place high bets, maybe even dangerous ones. The dramatic one, like someone running away from something or someone, would hook the viewer in from the beginning as they would immediately want to know what it is that is chasing them and why. I also had to take under consideration what would be most easily accessed to do, like areas to film and actors to make it as enthralling as possible.

I settled on doing a kidnap opening sequence. This is because I was going to Turkey on holiday so I thought that the opening sequence would be in a niche market as no other kidnap films have been set in Turkey giving it a unique selling point. I could also build tension easily as I could start with a traditional family holiday then showing the child wonder off on her own and be taken. Finally I settled on this idea as I had a lot of people going on the same holiday who I knew and could be used as actors who looked and suited the parts. Therefore making my opening sequence individual and effective.

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